页数:13 阅读:339 次 标签:研究论文  计算机视觉  卡耐基梅隆大学  机器人研究所  

This paper describes computer vision techniques for early-season measurement of vine canopy parameters; leaf count, leaf area and shoot count.


上传于 2018-01-09 10:59
页数:9 阅读:334 次 标签:研究论文  计算机视觉  卡耐基梅隆大学  机器人研究所  

Recognizing Visual Signatures of Spontaneous Head Gestures

We propose a novel Multi-Scale Deep Convolution-LSTM architecture, capable of recognizing short and long term motion patterns found in head gestures, from video data of natural and unconstrained conversations.


上传于 2018-01-09 10:59
页数:8 阅读:236 次 标签:研究论文  计算机视觉  卡耐基梅隆大学  机器人研究所  

Reducing Adaptation Latency for Multi-Concept Visual Perception in Outdoor Environments

Multi-concept visual classification is emerging as a common environment perception technique, with applications in autonomous mobile robot navigation.

上传于 2018-01-09 10:59
页数:32 阅读:305 次 标签:嵌入式系统  计算机视觉  低成本  

Real-time Image Processing on Low Cost Embedded Computers

Sunil Shah

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

上传于 2017-11-13 17:17
页数:23 阅读:473 次 标签:机器人  汽车  戴姆勒  计算机视觉  ROS  ROSCon  

Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) has a long history on research and development on ADAS systems and autonomous driving. Today’s increasing complex requirements on sensors, algorithms and fusion put high demands on the underlying software framework. In this talk, the group Pattern Recognition and Cameras of Daimler Research and Development showcase their latest research vehicle. Additionally, a detailed look on an implemented multi-sensor synchronization system is given. Findings and lessons learned as well as tool modifications and added functionality will be discussed as well. The audience will get insights on data handling in the context of high data throughput.

上传于 2017-10-09 11:26
页数:24 阅读:361 次 标签:虚拟现实  计算机视觉  

Copyright © 2016 AMD 1

How Computer Vision is Accelerating

the Future of Virtual Reality

上传于 2016-09-21 18:07
页数:31 阅读:304 次 标签:深度学习  计算机视觉  

How Deep Learning Is Enabling Computer Vision Markets

Bruce Daley

May 2, 2016

上传于 2016-09-21 17:39