页数:48 阅读:442 次 标签:德国  DFKI  互联汽车  

Connected Cars Create Smart Spaces

Wolfgang Wahlster

The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments

上传于 2019-07-30 20:30
页数:48 阅读:347 次 标签:人工智能  DFKI  Volkswagen  

Help me if you can: Towards MultiadaptiveInteraction Platforms

18th ACM International Conference on

Multimodal Interaction

上传于 2018-05-21 16:42
页数:43 阅读:388 次 标签:智能工厂  DFKI  Volkswagen  

2ndNetworking Meeting: German-Finnish Technology and University Cooperation

Germany and Finnland –Strong Partnership in Industrial Internet Revolution –The Way Forward?

Symposium at Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, November 11, 2016

上传于 2018-05-21 16:42
时长: 03:04 阅读:482 次 标签:DFKI  协作机器人  大众汽车  Volkswagen  iMRK  

本视频介绍了德国大众汽车(Volkswagen)的智能生产实验室(SPL,Smart Production Lab)与德国人工智能实验室(DFKI)合作研究的智能人机协作机器人——iMRK)

上传于 2018-05-21 16:20
页数:6 阅读:343 次 标签:数字化  信息物理系统  DFKI  模拟仿真  

Future Modeling and Simulation of CPS-based Factories: an Example from the Automotive Industry

Stephan Weyer*, Torben Meyer**, Moritz Ohmer*, Dominic Gorecky*, Detlef Zühlke*

* German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)

上传于 2018-05-21 15:25
页数:5 阅读:315 次 标签:德国  人工智能  DFKI  


Madhu Vazirani:

Professor Wahlster, thank you for making time to speak with us. In your view, what are likely to be the top economies in AI in the next few years?

上传于 2018-03-29 14:01
页数:1 阅读:314 次 标签:德国  人工智能  DFKI  

Artificial Intelligence for Industrie 4.0 at the G20 Conference

Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI, Germany (Chair); Prof. Paolo Traverso, FBK-irst, Italy (Co-Chair); Sahin

Albayrak, GT-ARC, Turkey; Dr. Philippe Beaudoin, Element AI, Canada; Dr. Satoshi Sekiguchi, AIST, Japan;

上传于 2018-03-29 14:01
页数:14 阅读:352 次 标签:德国  DFKI  介绍资料  人工智能研究中心  

DFKI Overview . . . and its History

German Research Center for

Artificial Intelligence, DFKI GmbH

上传于 2018-01-22 21:00