页数:14 阅读:357 次 标签:德国  DFKI  介绍资料  人工智能研究中心  

DFKI Overview . . . and its History

German Research Center for

Artificial Intelligence, DFKI GmbH

上传于 2018-01-22 21:00
页数:8 阅读:315 次 标签:日本  人工智能研究中心  AIRC  

Future AI Research and Development

Project of NEDO


上传于 2017-06-08 22:21
页数:4 阅读:791 次 标签:日本  介绍资料  人工智能研究中心  AIRC  

Outline of the Research and Development Concerning Artificial Intelligence led by AIST’s AIRC

In May 2015, the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC) was inaugurated under the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), bringing together a variety of the world’s leading, up-and-coming researchers and outstanding technologies in the artificial intelligence (AI) research area both from inside and outside Japan. The AIRC aims to establish a virtuous cycle, or ecosystem, under which progressive AI is developed and commercialized, and goal-oriented basic research is advanced.

上传于 2017-06-03 18:36