页数:118 阅读:255 次 标签:科技政策  创新政策  

STI in Flanders

Science, Technology & Innovation Policy & Key Figures - 2016

上传于 2018-05-21 09:02
页数:71 阅读:297 次 标签:科技政策  研究报告  国防  CRS  国会研究服务  


Adopting Best Practices Can Improve Innovation Investments and Management

Accessible Version

上传于 2018-04-22 22:23
页数:36 阅读:448 次 标签:日本  科技政策  愿景2050  

Japan Vision 2050

Principles of Strategic Science and Technology Policy

Toward 2020

上传于 2017-05-04 20:18
页数:79 阅读:433 次 标签:日本  创新战略  科技政策  战略  

Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation

- A Challenge for Creating Japan in a New Dimension -

June 7, 2013

上传于 2017-05-04 20:18
页数:5 阅读:519 次 标签:日本  科技政策  

Bilateral Agreements on Cooperation in Science and Technology, and Joint Committees

上传于 2017-05-04 20:18
页数:126 阅读:324 次 标签:科技政策  电子书籍  NAP  

Committee on Global Science and Technology Strategies and Their Effect on U.S. National Security

Standing Committee on Technology Insight—Gauge, Evaluate, and Review

Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences

上传于 2017-03-02 11:30
页数:41 阅读:387 次 标签:美国  科技政策  经济增长  克林顿  


Investing in technology is investing in America's future: a growing economy with more high‐skill, high‐wage jobs for American workers; a cleaner environment where energy efficiency increases profits and reduces pollution; a stronger, more competitive private sector able to maintain U.S. leadership in critical world markets; an educational system where every student is challenged; and an inspired scientific and technological research community focused on ensuring not just our national security but our very quality of life. American technology must move in a new direction to build economic strength and spur economic growth. The traditional federal role in technology development has been limited to support of basic science and mission‐oriented research in the Defense Department NASA, and other agencies. This strategy was appropriate for a previous generation but not for today's profound challenges. We cannot rely on the serendipitous application of defense technology to the private sector. We must aim directly at these new challenges and focus our efforts on the new opportunities before us, recognizing that government can play a key role helping private firms develop and profit from innovations.

上传于 2017-02-08 17:19
页数:16 阅读:283 次 标签:科技政策  研究报告  日美关系  CRS  

Congressional Research Service -ti-

Japan's Science and Technology Strategies and Policies

Updated October 14,1992

上传于 2017-02-08 12:01