上传于 2021-12-25 12:52 阅读:335 次 标签:MBSE  系统工程  capella  ARCADIA  FEMMP   评论

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a formalized modeling approach that supports the systems engineering activities to develop and integrate complex interdisciplinary systems. The significant role of MBSE in the development of complex technical systems and innovative capabilities have consistently attracted attention across several industry domains around the world. This transformation behavior allows manufacturers to produce solution-focused users' oriented products, but at the same time, due to lack of experience and process integration, it also creates application challenges for system engineers. The application becomes more complicated and challenging when a variety of MBSE methodologies are available. Therefore, it is difficult for the system engineers to select the appropriate methodology for a particular application. Although a variety of MBSE methodologies are available, some of them will be more efficient for a particular application than others. However, in this thesis, ARCADIA (Architecture, Analysis, and Design Integrated Approach) has been selected as a candidate MBSE methodology, and its potential capabilities and application behavior have been evaluated using Capella, an open-source software tool compliant with ARCADIA’s principals.

