页数:2 阅读:48 次 标签:数字孪生体  新闻报道  数字地质  

Earth scientists plan to meld massive databases into a ‘geological Google'

China is backing an international effort to make a one-stop data shop


上传于 2024-03-25 16:12
页数:1 阅读:58 次 标签:人工智能  新闻报道  OpenAI  Sora  

Sora 将颠覆视频和电影制作

上传于 2024-02-22 12:00
页数:8 阅读:126 次 标签:新闻报道  远程医疗  

Telemedicine reform could remove barriers to mental health care

上传于 2023-05-20 23:10
页数:5 阅读:291 次 标签:DARPA  新闻报道  

An Insider’s View Of DARPA, The World’s Most Advanced Research Agency

David Hambling

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, has been dubbed the Pentagon’s ‘department of mad science.’ Set up in response to the Soviet Union’s surprise launch of Sputnik, the first satellite, in 1958, DARPA carries out research and development beyond the cutting edge. The agency has driven such world-changing innovations as the internet, self-driving vehicles and stealth technology, and more recently research into m-RNA-based vaccines and other technologies to fight COVID-19. DARPA is shrouded in secrecy and manages a mass of classified programs, and few outsiders appreciate how it really works. A rare insider's view reveals how the agency transforms far-out ideas into practical technology.

上传于 2022-07-24 13:40
页数:4 阅读:919 次 标签:Google  新闻报道  人才团队  

NEWS AND ANALYSIS: DIGITAL DOMAIN; What Is Google's Secret Weapon? An Army of Ph.D.'s

By Randall Stross

June 6, 2004

上传于 2021-08-11 18:54
页数:2 阅读:616 次 标签:新闻报道  广东工业大学  团体标准  数字孪生生产线  

广东省机械工程学会发布的T/GDMES 0018.2—2020《数字孪生生产线 第2部分:离散制造结构模型》团体标准遵循开放、公平、透明、协商一致和促进贸易和交流的原则,按照在本平台公布的《标准制定程序文件_GDMES》制定。T/GDMES 0018.2—2020《数字孪生生产线 第2部分:离散制造结构模型》团体标准规定的内容符合国家有关法律法规和强制性标准的要求,没有侵犯他人合法权益。



上传于 2021-01-23 17:52
页数:3 阅读:571 次 标签:数字孪生体  USAF  新闻报道  

USAF Selects Lead Programs For ‘Digital Twin’ Initiative

By Graham Warwick, Aviation Week & Space Technology / Published January 26, 2015

上传于 2020-02-03 21:36
页数:15 阅读:351 次 标签:人工智能  IEEE  新闻报道  

02 Apr 2019 | 15:00 GMT

How IBM Watson Overpromised and Underdelivered on AI Health Care

After its triumph on Jeopardy!, IBM’s AI seemed poised to revolutionize medicine. Doctors are still waiting

上传于 2020-01-19 13:32