页数:19 阅读:241 次 标签:数字孪生体  数字孪生矿山  自主运输系统  

This article is devoted to the issues of processing and analysis of heterogeneous information related to the functioning of mining transport equipment, which becomes available for analysis within the framework of modern technological operations control systems in open-pit mines. These issues are very relevant to robotized technological operations. The paper gives a brief overview of the modern landscape of the autonomous haulage systems management problems, the features of the platform approach to solving the problem of managing unmanned transport and technological processes in open pits are considered. The concept of an agent-based approach to the modeling of an open-pit mining is described in detail on the basis of the interaction of three systems: tech-nical, infrastructural–technological, and geostructural. Some features of the developed platform architecture integration of heterogeneous information are discussed. The principles of information integration are considered in detail when constructing a dynamic 3D model (digital twin) of in-frastructure and technological system elements using large arrays of telemetric data. The results of building digital models of open-pit technological roads are presented. The resulting models are comparatively analyzed in the process of optimizing of the interaction of technical autonomous mobile agents and elements of technological infrastructure.

上传于 2022-01-13 12:04
页数:86 阅读:8822 次 标签:白皮书  工业4.0研究院  数字孪生矿山  华电力拓  华电煤业  




上传于 2021-11-27 17:59
时长: 03:22 阅读:297 次 标签:案例分析  数字孪生矿山  


上传于 2021-11-13 16:08
时长: 02:23 阅读:295 次 标签:案例分析  数字孪生矿山  


上传于 2021-11-13 16:08
页数:9 阅读:281 次 标签:数字孪生  数字孪生矿山  智慧矿山  

煤矿智能化是煤炭工业高质量发展的核心技术支撑。数字孪生面向煤炭工业领域的互联互通及智能化应用,发挥连接物理世界和信息世界的桥梁与纽带作用,将在煤炭开采、视频监控、人机交互等方面提供更加实时、智能、高效的服务。面向智慧矿山技术需求,提出了基于数字孪生+5G的智慧矿山建设新思路,将“数字孪生+5G”与AI技术相结合,为实现智慧矿山提供一种创新的方法。首先从智慧矿山建设进展及应用方面存在的问题入手,系统地梳理和分析了当前智慧矿山研究和发展现状,通过研究新一代信息技术与工业技术融合应用,阐述了数字孪生的概念内涵,指出数字孪生是智慧矿山发展的必然趋势并将为智慧矿山赋能;然后针对智慧矿山建设的难点和痛点问题,提出了基于“数字孪生+5G” 的智慧矿山体系架构理论,通过构建矿山数字孪生模型(MDTM)实现物理矿山实体与数字矿山孪生体之间的虚实映射与实时交互。聚焦智慧矿山建设目标,以智慧矿山系统建设、优化和关键技术为核心,基于矿山信息物理空间的数字孪生和深度学习方法,以实际矿井为原型设计了智能开采的数字孪生一体化方案,构建了全域感知、边缘计算、数据驱动和辅助决策的智慧矿山平台。最后针对智慧矿山的数字孪生应用需求,提出并探讨了数字孪生赋能智慧矿山的关键技术问题,并指出了未来需要实现的关键技术路径。本文旨在通过对智慧矿山的数字孪生技术研究,为数字孪生模型构建、协同控制与交互优化等提供思路,为未来智慧矿山建设与设计提供理论借鉴。

上传于 2021-10-13 17:32
页数:61 阅读:350 次 标签:数字化转型  数字孪生矿山  煤矿  


Dissertation submitted to

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur

上传于 2021-07-23 10:37
页数:5 阅读:398 次 标签:数字化转型  数字孪生矿山  煤矿  

A Project on the Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar Geophysical Method

Obioma KE Nze*

Delaware Department of Transportation, Netherlands

上传于 2021-07-23 10:37
页数:11 阅读:336 次 标签:数字化转型  数字孪生矿山  煤矿  

MINER Act Compliant Communication & Tracking Systems and Peripherals

as of June 30, 2021

上传于 2021-07-23 10:37