

2016年09月30日 09:30 ~ 2016年09月30日 11:30
王女士 innovation4(#)qq.com
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这次工业4.0研讨会是一个特别的讨论,我们邀请了Joseph J. Salvo作为主要沟通对象参与,他跟我们分享了Industrial Internet的认识和洞察,当然,他也对比了德国工业4.0平台和IIC(工业互联网联盟)之间的创新能力和生态竞争力。

经过两个多小时的深入沟通,双方建立了非常好的共识,Joseph J. Salvo欣然同意担任工业4.0研究院的高级顾问(Senior Advisor),帮助工业4.0研究院在国内建设工业互联网生态,并利用Salvo在全球(特别是美国)的各种资源,进行面向未来的并购重组(M&A)。


美国通用电气是迄今为止传统工业转型的典范之一,它通过“工业互联网”(Industrial Internet)新概念的引入,在短短两年多的时间,构建了一个全球性的工业互联网联盟(IIC,Industrial Internet Consortium),初步形成了一个以通用电气Predix为核心的工业互联网生态。

了解通用电气的行业人士都非常清楚,工业企业要转型软件企业的定位,谈何容易,但通用电气通过大刀阔斧的变革,从设立GE Digital这个跨越多个业务单元(GE Businesses)的专业性组织来看,其娴熟的战略布局和组织变革能力,不是其他工业企业简单观察模仿就可以做到的。


1. 通用电气的工业互联网战略包含了几个步骤?它们实现的判定标准是什么?在每个发展阶段,通用电气最大的挑战是什么?

We would talk about CPS and Industrial Internet. Basically, GRC researched CPS a lot, and called networked CPS industrial internet. President Hu and Joseph J. Salvo would discuss the difference and relationship between CPS and Industrial Internet.

2. 通用电气所谓Edge Computing能力是如何体现出来的?这跟思科的雾计算(Fog Computing)有什么差异?未来两个概念会融合还是竞争?

GE mentioned Edge Computing in 2013. What's the trend of edge computing and fog computing? 

To put if forward, we could discuss IIC, Plattform I4.0, OpenFog and Alliance of Industrial Internet.

3. 通用电气是如何认识Digital Twin(数字孪生体)和Digital Thread(数字线程)的?数字孪生体和数字线程可以给通用电气带来什么好处?

Digital Twin and Digital Thread virtually become the core concept of Industrial Internet and GE's Predix ecosystem. We would discuess the application of Digital Twin & Digital Thread.

And more, we might discuss GE's Industrial Internet and Siemens' Digital Factory.

4. 通用电气的FastWorks有什么价值?FastWorks对其他工业企业转型升级有什么启发?

GE has used FastWorks to improve its innovation cycle. What's the importance of FastWorks?

5. 中国制造2025也非常重视工业互联网的应用,我们(国家和制造企业)可以从GE的工业互联网战略中,获得什么样的启示?

On China Manufacturing 2025, we want to discuss what China and Chinese manufacturing companies can learn from the case of GE & Industrial Internet.


本次小型工业4.0研讨会诚邀对通用电气有一定思考的行业人士参与,GE GRC的Jeseph J. Salvo将作为主要交流人员参与本次工业4.0研讨会。

特邀嘉宾:Joseph J. Salvo

For the past 15 years Dr. Salvo and his laboratory have developed a series of large-scale internet-based sensing arrays to manage and oversee business systems and deliver value-added services. Some of their commercial business releases include complex decision platforms (e.g. GE Veriwise™ GE RailwiseTM, Global Vendor Managed Inventory, Ener.GE™, and E-Materials Management) that deliver near real-time customer value through system transparency and knowledge-based computational algorithms. Pervasive networked sensors systems combined with near-real time collaboration can deliver time-critical, high fidelity data to enable information analysis across traditional business process boundaries. Total supply chain, energy management and financial services can be integrated to create a virtual enterprise environment that encourages discovery and process improvement on a global basis. Electronic RFID tagging and distributed knowledge networks extend the reach of these systems with anywhere/anytime access to mission critical information. Crowdsourcing platforms promise to further democratize the flow of information and ideas. Commercial business implementations of this work are currently active in Asia, Europe as well as North and South America. Dr. Salvo joined the GE Global Research Center in 1988. He received his his A.B. from Harvard University and M. Phil. and Ph.D. from Yale University. He is a member of the board at the M.I.T. Forum for Supply Chain Innovation and the IEEE Computer Society.


2016-09-28 13:47 注册用户

上次在国务院发展研究中心交流后,感觉还不够深入,所以就邀请Joseph J. Salvo做一个更细致的交流。

期望这次可以从复杂系统(Complex Systems)、CPS和Digital Twin/Digital Thread等最基本的概念探讨工业互联网生态的发展。

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